My First “Why”

Although not typically brave or self assured, God can use a willing heart and open hands. When we ask, He is ready and able to give us courage beyond our wildest imagination. After making soap for several years and with the help of encouragement from my husband, family, and friends, I decided to push myself outside of my comfort zone…actually, way outside. The name “Hidden Treasure Soap” holds a deep, personal meaning to me for this very reason.

My family loves to hit the slopes. I had enjoyed skiing for many years at my own pace, although I couldn’t help but notice that there was still a little something missing. Perhaps if I had new skis… then I would ski faster, braver, better. I bought new skis, and yet I was wrong. They weren’t the answer. The answer lay in my ability to set my mind to the fact that I was ready to fight for the fun to be greater than the fear. This “fun” opened up on a ski run in Utah called “Hidden Treasure”. My husband and friends still reached the bottom before I did, but a whole new world was suddenly sprawled out before my eyes. From then on, I have challenged myself on the slopes, skiing black runs and even adding a little speed, all without so much harmful self doubt. “Hidden Treasure” was a game changer for me; now I attempt to apply “faster, braver, better” in as many areas of my life as I can. Life has much to offer; be faster, braver, better and go chase your dream!

I am pleased to introduce my company - yes, my company - Hidden Treasure Soap.

Love, Kristi


Dream Big!